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Toddler Taming Counselling

"Whoever coined the term "terrible twos", never let their child live to three!" - Anonymous


Toddlers are adorable, lovable, and absolutely precious.  However, they are just as unpredictable, impulsive and sometimes absolutely exhausting! At times toddlers are like Energizer bunnies except their batteries just never seem to run out.  You can't reason with them, they don’t have the cognitive development; You can’t tell them to “calm down”: they don't have the internal regulatory system; You can't talk them through most of their issues: they don't have the vocabulary.


There is hope!


Are you a concerned parent who is wondering how your sweet, loving, chubby baby, which gurgled happily at you for the first twelve months, changed so suddenly into a tantrum prone, carpet banging toddler? Are you wondering what you may have done wrong? Are you unsure what to do about it?

There is hope! You do not need to hide the child or the issue from the world any longer! You are not alone. Many parents have consulted with Alta and came to know how their  own shame and guilt feelings regarding their toddler's behavior, have actually made the problem worse.

What you need to learn is how to handle and train your tantrum prone toddler in a gentle, loving way to handle life's frustrations in an emotionally intelligent way. Consistency and patience is key if you want to really tame your toddler without damaging your relationship with them .

Before you end up losing it and giving up, contact Alta and book a session with her. She is sure to guide you on how to address the issues you are having with your toddler.

During Toddler Taming sessions with Alta, an action plan will be set up to address your toddler''s situation. 

Fact is, toddlers grow up far too quickly! So it is best to enjoy them while you can!

Book your consultation with Alta and take charge of your toddler and of your life.

Cost: R450

Duration: 90 minutes

Absolutely passionate about your success​!

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