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Adolescent / Teen Counselling

"When you are young, everything feels like the end of the world, but it is not; it is just the beginning."


For Alta, working with teenagers is both fun and rewarding. Teenagers face challenges in so many aspects of their lives and they often lack the support and guidance from a responsible adult who can guide them. Their difficulty to cope with life sometimes gives rise to behavioral issues, which leads to disappointment in the parents and subsequently to bad relationships.

Your teenager is more sensitive than you think...


You teenager is most probably still seeking their own identity and they do not always know who they want to be or who they are. They need to create new and meaningful relationships with peers which can be challenging to most of them. Your teenager often tests the boundaries you set and their intentions are often misunderstood. Your teenager also needs to embark on the journey of career development, which is also quite a daunting task, especially if they do not know themselves yet.

When coaching your adolescent, Alta creates a safe space in which the teenager may express their doubts, fears and feelings, without being judged. Teenagers generally struggle to handle criticism and need to be approached with the greatest respect if an issue needs to be addressed.

The aim of teen counselling with Alta is usually to assist teens to “make sense” of their current world and then to create the opportunity to explore other possibilities.

Although Alta does work with teenagers who are going through a divorce in the family, she does not do any legal work and does not write any reports for custody or mediation purposes.

Book a consultation for your teenager today.

Cost: R450

Duration: 90 minutes

Absolutely passionate about your teenager's success!

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