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Children Counselling

"Children need models more than they need critics" - Anonomous

Children are extremely resilient beings and are generally able to adapt and grow through many challenging situations. Because of this, they are often left to overcome situations by themselves instead of being guided through it by a responsible adult.  This is increasingly more common in this era of where both parents are often career oriented in order to stay financially afloat.

Train your child in the way he should go... 

There are indeed times when your child may find it difficult to understand what they are feeling or why they act in a particular way. These uncertainties may manifest in difficulties in their relationships with other people, such as their friends, their teachers, their siblings and very often even with you - their parents.


In cases where your children experience emotions that they do not understand, you as parent may be uncertain how to deal with the situation or simply not have the time to deal with the situation effectively.  If left unattended, these situations may create strange behavioral patterns in children which may negatively impact the positive outlook on life the child may have had before.


If your child is 8 years and older, Alta can assist your child to use language, instead of weird, negative behavior, to express themselves better. By accomplishing this, your child will become more emotionally intelligent which will serve him well when growing older. As a parent you will benefit from your child's emotional intelligence by having a well balanced child in your home which brings more joy than frustration to the family. 

Alta often uses games or creates a playful scenario to establish a safe environment within which your child can express their feelings or act out behaviors or concerns which they would generally avoid during normal situations. Alta assists your child to interpret their own feelings and own actions and empowers the child  to gain a better understanding of their world.


Although Alta works with children who are going through a divorce in the family, she does not do any legal work and does not write any reports for custody or mediation purposes.


Alta can assist with:

  • motivation and encouragement for better performance at school or in sport etc.

  • emotional loss: such as a pet that has died, loss of a family member, etc

  • uncertainties: moving house / schools, new sibling, fights with friends

  • family: sibling rivalry, divorce, discipline

  • etc.

It is important to understand that for your child to be emotionally healthy, your own relationships need to be healthy too!  Every so often children are affected by stress-ridden, dysfunctional relationships between the parents. Messy relationships of the parents often reflect very negatively in the behavior of the children. Alta expects total commitment and team work from the parents if the expected results from the counselling are to be achieved.  

Remember, children are very sensitive to the emotional atmosphere in the home and family. 

Call Alta today to book an appointment.

Cost: R450

Duration: 90 minutes

Absolutely passionate about your child's success​!
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