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Parent / Child Relationship Coaching

Do you need to improve your relationship with your child?
Do you feel like you don't know what to do, or where to turn?
Has your child become difficult, rebellious, irritable, or angry?
Are you afraid to set limits with your child?
Do you find communication with your child almost impossible?
Do things just seem overwhelming at times?

Rest assured, Alta is here to help!

Parenthood: the most important responsibility


It is common for parents today to say: "I'm feeling frustrated and anxious all the time. My kids just don't listen. "I'm so busy and exhausted that I find myself giving in to things that are wrong."

Being a parent in this day and age is a complex challenge! Good parenting requires a lot of patience, coping skills, empathy, love, emotional maturity, compassion and education. Let alone the amount of confidence it requires!

Alta believes all moms, dads and caretakers (and children, for that matter) benefit if she mentors and supports them in their parenting role. Alta, who is a parent herself, can help you acquire the skills to manage, communicate effectively, guide and discipline your children in a way that is positive as well as effective. Learning how to be an effective parent is a sure way to drastically reduce or prevent conflict in the family.

During Parent Coaching sessions, discussions with you, the parent(s) take place and a plan of action is established to address the current issue. In many instances Alta has found it useful to incorporate a session with the child individually and another with both the child and parents present. She has found that the success rate is so much higher if the child / adolescent is actively involved in the counselling process as it makes it easier on the family to adapt new ways of communicating and disciplining. If the child understands what the parents are trying to accomplish, a child generally tends to be hugely cooperative.

Parent Counselling will help you to shape a successful future for your child.


Book your Parent/Child Relationship Coaching session with Alta today! It will make the world of difference!

Cost: R500 

Duration: 90 minutes

Absolutely passionate about your parenting success

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